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Image by amoon ra

Diet + Nutrition

College requires a lot of focus and energy from its students. The dietary choices of students have been well documented to hold an influence over academic performance, mental health, and overall well-being. Reaching a balance with nutrition can lead to a more positive and successful college experience.

Academic Performance




Staying hydrated as well as eating more fruits and vegetables  has been shown to improve both visual and verbal memory (Journal of American College Health). There are substances found in fruits and vegetables, such as antioxidants, that assist the body by fighting the deterioration of cells and tissues. Reducing this type of stress on the brain can be done by adding a proper amount of food containing those substances in the dietary plan (Harvard Health Publish). Berries, avocado, and green leafy vegetables contain vitamins C & E, those helpful antioxidants, and can be easily added in many recipes.


Listen to your gut!

Managing mental distress can begin with improving diet. There are chemical substances that play a huge role in regulating brain functions, such as serotonin, a mood and appetite regulator, that are mainly produced in our gut. Providing a proper environment for the gut can enhance the communication between the gut and the brain for improved functions and better nutrient absorption (Dr. Thomas, News Medical Life Sciences).

Experiencing psychological distress can lead to increased consumption of unhealthy carbohydrates and high-fat foods (National Library of Medicine). It’s not always the easiest choice but choosing healthier carbohydrates and fats will provide a better source of energy, elevated mood levels, and strengthen mental health.

Health is Wealth

College life can be stressful enough and life seems to keep to stacking things on the plate with no room left. It is easy to forget in the never-ending busyness of education that proper nourishment can be the medication to an improved mental health and function.  A well-balanced diet is essential in overcoming those mental hurdles and pushing through to the next challenge. The mind is capable of infinitely great possibilities, keeping it healthy will provide a path into achieving anything and a great way to start is by choosing a better diet. ​ “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

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